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Mưa và Sắc Đẹp_Rain and Beauty

雨(rain)無(without)鈐(bolt)鎖(lock)能(usually)留(retains)客(guests) Vũ vô kiềm tỏa năng lưu khách.
色(beauty)不(no)波(waves)濤(arising)易(easily)溺(drowns in love: fascinates)人(men) Sắc bắt ba đào dị mịch nhân.
Vũ (mưa) vô (không) kiềm (then) tỏa (khóa) năng (thường) lưu (giữ) khách (khách).
Sắc (Sắc) bất (chẳng) ba (sóng) đào (dậy) dị (dễ) mịch (chìm) nhân (người).
Mưa không có then khóa nhưng thường giữ khách.
Sắc đẹp chẳng có sóng dậy nhưng dễ chìm đắm lòng người (làm người say mê).

Rain does not have bolt and lock but usually retains guests.
Beauty does not have arising waves but easily drowns men in love (fascinates men).
(Chinese saying)

Chú thích
Mịch nghĩa là chìm xuống, thí dụ tĩnh mịch, tĩnh (không có tiếng động) mịch (chìm sâu xuống) nghĩa là “sự không có tiếng động chìm sâu xuống”, “sự không có tiếng đồng tuyệt đối”, “sự hoàn toàn không có tiếng động”.

Khai Phi sưu tầm và giải nghĩa
Documented and explained by Khai Phi

I Have Three Loves_Introduction_Khai Phi Hanh Nguyen

English version
Reviewed by Matthew Smith

Literature collects stories in real life,
Human love and mine,
To speak for human heart
That cannot say out its wonderful traits.


I have three loves.

My first love was for my wife when she was seventeen and I was eighteen; but we never got the opportunity to consummate our marriage.

My second love was for my ex-wife who left me when I was in a Communist Concentration Camp in Vietnam.

And my third love is for my current wife.

These three loves come alive on the birthday of my wife, our daughter, my daughter with my ex-wife, and my wife’s daughter with her ex-husband.

I intended to name this novel Destiny. But that word seemed outdated and did not accurately reflect my story. I remembered a French song entitled J’ai Deux Amours (I Have Two Loves) and I changed Destiny to I Have Three Loves thinking that would be more appropriate.

(Edited by Matthew Smith)